In 2001, the Edmonton Epilepsy Association received a grant from the Edmonton Community Lottery Board to develop a new series of epilepsy educational booklets. Following two years of research, writing, editing, graphic design work and printing, we were proud to introduce these exceptional booklets in December 2003. The booklet series was officially launched as part of March 2004 Epilepsy Awareness Month activities.
Since that time, the booklets have been periodically updated and reprinted. For the past several years, UCB Canada Inc. has provided the EEA with unrestricted Grants that made it possible to print thousands of each booklet for free distribution to Epilepsy Associations, Hospital Epilepsy Clinics, and Neurologists’ Offices across Canada.
Thanks to the efforts of our sister association, Épilepsie Montréal Métropolitain, all eleven of our booklets have now been translated into French. We print them in Edmonton. From our office we distribute them to Hospital Clinics, Epilepsy Associations, and Neurologists’ Offices in Francophone Canada.
If you are not near an Epilepsy Association or Clinic, you can download and print our electronic booklets from the links below. In many parts of the world there is little or no epilepsy information available. Our website is averaging over 5,000 hits a month just for the booklets, including numerous hits from around the world. To date, our booklets have been downloaded from over 200 countries around the world!
** All booklets are in PDF format. Simply click on any title to open.
Epilepsy: A Guide for Parents
Epilepsy: A Guide for Professionals and Caregivers
Epilepsy: A Guide for Teachers
Epilepsy: An Overview
Epilepsy: Seizures and First Aid
Let’s Learn About Epilepsy: An Activity Book for Children
Living with Epilepsy
Safety and Epilepsy
Seniors and Epilepsy
Teens and Epilepsy
Women and Epilepsy
New Seizure Terminology (Applies to all booklets In the series)
Aileler İçin Epilepsi Rehberi
“A Guide for Parents”, in Turkish, translated, with our permission, by the Turkish Child Neurology Association
L’épilepsie: un guide pour les parents
L’épilepsie: Un guide pour les professionnel(le)s et les aidant(es)
L’épilepsie: un guide pour les enseignant(e)s
L’épilepsie: un survol
L’épilepsie: crises et premiers soins
J’apprends ce quést l’épilepsie: Un livre interactif pour enfants
Vivre avec l’épilepsie
La sécurité et l’épilepsie
Les ainé(e)s et l’épilepsie
Les adolescents et l’épilepsie
Les femmes et l’épilepsie
Terminologie de Convulsions Nouvelle (S’applique a` tous les livrets de la série)
“A Guide for Parents”, in Russian, translated, with our permission, by Natalia Vapniarskaya, Belarus Parent Group and Dr.
FREE CANADA-WIDE DISTRIBUTION Free Canada-wide distribution of our Epilepsy Information booklets to Epilepsy Associations and Hospital Epilepsy Clinics has been made possible by an unrestricted grant from UCB Canada Inc.